The first album recorded live on the Internet...
in a single take!
‘Theatrically beautiful!’
-Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal
Sons Of Apollo, Art Of Anarchy)
‘The whole ambience reminds me of Spirit of Eden era Talk Talk or some of Radiohead’s more jazzy moments. Very bold sound.’
-Andy Cairns (Therapy?)
"'Woodn Bones' charme l’auditeur de ses délicates mélodies mélancoliques."
-Music Waves
"« Long Way From Home » n’est pas sans rappeler des grands noms du Rock avec en tête un certain David Bowie."
-La Parisienne Life
"Long format folk rock spontané et sans artifice entre Archive et Muse."
‘There's something purely magical here leaving you wanting more.’
'It kind of hit me for six, bowled me over, so immediate and unexpected was it that I won’t say much more.'
"Ceux et celles qui connaissent déjà Before The Dark savent le superbe degré de qualité des compositions de Clint Slate et ne voudront sûrement pas attendre pour découvrir ce nouvel opus."
'There is something old fashioned in the pure songwriting and performance values here and I welcome it; this album feels very real.'
"Des compositions finement écrites, parfaitement interprétées, pari réussi pour Clint. Respect."
'The guitar and other instrumental work on those pieces, and really this whole record is outstanding.'



